Our Sustainable Journey

At Your Decal Shop, we are proud to embark on a sustainable journey that transforms discarded plastic bottles into beautiful, eco-friendly decals. By utilising recycled PET plastic, we're making a positive impact on the environment and contributing to a circular economy. Join us on this remarkable journey as we redefine sustainability and turn waste into art.

The recycling process

This 5 step process demonstrates our commitment to circular economy principles, where materials are recycled and given multiple life cycles, contributing to a more sustainable and eco-friendly future.

1. Collection and Recycling

It starts as a community effort by recycling single-use plastic PET bottles.


The plastic bottles undergo
a series of steps including sorting, shredding, washing, drying, and
pelletizing. These pellets serve as the raw material for our vinyl.

3. Creation of Wall Art

We take the recycled vinyl and
transform them into stunning wall art pieces, which can be used to enhance the
aesthetics of homes and businesses in New Zealand.

4. Recycling for the Future

When the customer decides
it's time for a change, they can send the wall art decals back to us. We ensure
that these decals are recycled once again, reverting to their raw state.

5. Sustainable Fence Posts

The recycled plastic is
then transformed into durable fence posts for kiwi farmers. These fence posts
can be recycled repeatedly, offering a sustainable solution.

Embracing Responsible Materials

Our commitment to sustainability begins with the materials we use. Our decals are crafted from recycled PET plastic bottles, a versatile and durable material. By repurposing these bottles, we're diverting them from landfills and reducing the demand for virgin materials. It's a small change that has a significant environmental impact.

Benefits of Recycled PET Plastic

Choosing our recycled PET plastic decals offers several benefits:

  • Environmental Conservation: By using recycled materials, we're conserving valuable resources, reducing energy consumption, and lowering greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Waste Reduction: Our process helps to decrease the amount of plastic waste polluting our land and oceans.
  • Durability: Recycled PET plastic is highly durable and long-lasting, ensuring that our decals will grace your walls for years to come.
  • Artistic Expression: Our decals provide a canvas for stunning designs while contributing to a sustainable future.

From Bottles to Decals to Fence Posts

Transforming Waste into Functional Art

Our commitment to sustainability doesn't stop at decals. After their use, we take the recycling process even further. We've partnered with a specialised company to convert the recycled decals into sturdy fence posts for farmers. This innovative approach ensures that every component is given a second life, reducing waste and providing practical solutions for agricultural needs.

A Circular Economy in Action

In this circular economy model, the decals you choose today can become the fence posts of tomorrow. By supporting our products, you actively contribute to a sustainable future and help close the recycling loop. Together, we're making a difference, one decal and fence post at a time.

Join the Sustainable Movement

Choose Eco-Friendly Decals

In this circular economy model, the decals you choose today can become the fence posts of tomorrow. By supporting our products, you actively contribute to a sustainable future and help close the recycling loop. Together, we're making a difference, one decal and fence post at a time.

Making a Difference In-House

Mindful Material Choices

At Your Decal Shop, sustainability goes beyond our products. We are committed to practicing sustainability in-house, carefully selecting materials that align with our eco-friendly values. Whenever possible, we use packaging made from recycled cardboard, reducing waste and minimising our carbon footprint. Our dedication to responsible material choices ensures that every aspect of our operations contributes to a greener future.

Digital Instruction Videos

In our efforts to reduce paper waste, we have replaced traditional printed instruction sheets with informative and user-friendly videos. By providing installation instructions through digital means, we minimise the need for excessive printing and paper consumption. It's a small change that has a significant impact on reducing our environmental footprint.

Watch the videos

Sustainable Online Shopping

As an online shop, we've taken steps to make our e-commerce operations sustainable too. Here's how we prioritise sustainability in our online presence:

  • Efficient Supply Chain: We work closely with our suppliers to ensure ethical sourcing and responsible manufacturing practices, reducing unnecessary transportation and waste.
  • Minimal Packaging: We strive to use minimal and eco-friendly packaging for our products, reducing excess materials and optimizing shipping space to minimise our carbon emissions.
  • Paperless Operations: By embracing digital platforms for order processing, customer communication, and invoicing, we minimise paper usage and contribute to an almost paperless working environment.

Through these sustainable practices, we aim to make your online shopping experience with us align with your eco-conscious values. Together, we can make a difference and support a more sustainable future.

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